As Seen at Cool Mom Picks


"I'm Just an Artist."

Today, I write in honor of my little one.  She came home last week absolutely determined to enter a local art contest, then sat down and started to map out her ideas on a piece of paper. She spent several hours drawing, erasing, coloring, re-drawing.  The subject was living your dream.  From the time she could talk, she has told people that she is an artist like her mom and Grandma.  Last year, I overheard her telling her friend, "I don't want to be a dentist when I grow up.  I'm an artist. I'm going to run my mom's company."  Although I'm sure that her ideas may change many, many times as she grows through life, it was enough to motivate me to do everything I can to help her live her dream.  What I ultimately know is that she will be the one to guide her dreams.  I can open a door, but she take herself anywhere she wants to go.  The call came a few days ago that she won first place in the district.  After some jumping, hugging and a few shared girlie screams, she stopped and said to me..."Mom, I told you I'm an artist."  Mom is smiling from ear to ear, and I know that this little one will be whoever and whatever she wants to be...not because of who I think she is, but because of who she knows she is.

This is a page that I did from her baby book when she was three years old.  She's nine now, and it all still holds true...

How do you inspire your little ones to reach for their dreams?

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